Canadian History: How it was done

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What History Helped me Realize

A lot of the pre-confederation Canada were memorable moments that created the society we live in today and it made an important part in history. History, however, is not always about the huge moments, it is also about the moments that go unseen. History made me realize that in ways its kind of an inception by there being history being made in the history that is already being made. From the readings that I have done and just from taking a history class it is amazing how some events that are very minor can cause an impact on a reader. In my opinion, some of the minor events have made the biggest impacts in society today and tend to be forgotten until research is being done.

Taking this course also made me realize how forgotten Canada is in history because of reputation of being the “peacekeepers”. It is amazing to me to know what I do now and the impacts that has happened that has not being covered fully in depth. Is some of the events really major? No, but the Canadian history has has made contributions around the world and it is surprising that for the most part it has gone unnoticed.


History is a subject that you can do an endless amount of research on, but you have to enjoy what your learning about to actually grasp the knowledge. Leaning about what has happened in the past (especially the Canadian past) gives a person a different perspective society now with how things have drastically changed. The Canadian history is very unique and surprising at the same time with the events that has occurred because if you do not do the research you do not know what kind of impacts Canada actually contributed to the world. History is a very interesting concept because with every second that passes by it is in the past, but it is the moments that are memorable that is what creates history.

How To Start Thinking Historically

Staring a history class with very little knowledge on the specific topic of study can be very overwhelming and hard to process. The reason why it can be like that is because of how in depth you must go into the subject and start thinking historically.

To think historically you have to be able to think outside of the box and look at the point of view of the people who were actually there at the time of the event. Primary documents of a topic such as: archives, books, journal articles, and newspaper from the specific era gives you a better understanding of what actually was going on and you are able to see the bigger picture. Being able to think historically will help your overall look of a history course by being understand how history is done and why it is done, but most importantly it will give a greater appreciation of how and why history was made.

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