Generally when you think of the past you think the norm where men were dominant and and the women had very limited rights. Even as true as it was, women subconsciously did have power and in some situations control in the pre-confederation years. When young girls were shipped over to Canada from Great Britain, those who survived the long and dangerous trip were the ones to choose a suitable mate that they like. They did however have a deadline to choose a mate, but it was their choice and it was not technically forced on them. The roles were changed because the single men would have done anything to be with one of these women. It was an ironic time because even though men were usually in control, the women were making the more important choices.
Once a women was to settle down, to populate the areas by them they were to have at least 5-7 kids. so they were always busy. Even with watching the kids while the men worked, the women did a lot around the house such as: sewing and farming. Some of the women were entrepreneurs and would develop companies and do there own trades. Some of the items that they would trade were hides and furs, but to make them more unique they would sometimes dye or tan them to make them more stylish.
Women were very underrated with how much power they did have and people never thought twice about it. In my opinion they were definitely the unsung heroes of the past and do not get the credit they do deserve.